Fall Meditation 2

Beauty and labor

Margie Hord de Mendez


Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

The leaves in fall,
the beauty of it all!
Such is the story that draws
thousands to the north, because
the world is transformed
as trees blaze forth
in a dying flame.

It is a sight to behold
when green turns to crimson and gold;
multicolored confetti drifts on the wind
forming heaps on the ground
where children leap and bound.

I, too, am trapped by wonder
until my seventy-plus frame
rakes and bends,
rakes and bends
in a process that never seems to end.

My strength has limits.
Another day will have to do.

And so it is.
Spring’s blooms represent
long hours of labor.
Fall’s glory, instead,
is a gift of grace
but its leaves
never cease to leave
their labor, too.

The cycle of seasons
is a never-ending one
of God’s labor
and ours



Margie Hord de Mendez

Canadian-Mexican linguist and translator, Margie loves to write about cross-cultural living, faith, family, aging gracefully… and more!