Fishies and Bread: A Modern Version

Margie Hord de Mendez
2 min readApr 20, 2020


By Dmitry Ratushny (Unsplash)

Not long ago our family suffered a financial loss. We experienced frustration as well as concern about the future. This happened at a time when the whole world was in a tailspin due to the 2020 pandemic, so it meant that we were already feeling somewhat alarmed by that situation. One more thing to deal with!

One of my grandchildren came up to me to ask who had been affected by the loss. Wondering why he wanted to know, I mentioned that both his parents and I were affected.

Before long, the little one returned and handed me five small coins. Later, he generously shared coins with his Mom and Dad as well. His tender act touched our hearts tremendously. It was likely all he had! But there was no way we could turn him down, as it would mean rejecting a special act of love.

Similarities with another little boy, many centuries ago, struck me. Upon hearing the need of thousands around him who hadn’t had a meal, he didn’t hesitate to offer his tiny lunch: two small fish and five loaves of bread. We can imagine that those “loaves” were more like small rolls or flatbread. Perhaps today’s equivalent would be a couple of tuna sandwiches. There was no doubt in his mind that his contribution, no matter how ridiculous it may have seemed in the face of such a crowd, was important. And it was. God honored that generosity and multiplied that lunch for many thousands… with leftovers too!

Did the disciples wrinkle their noses at that strange, paltry gift? We don’t know, but at least they let Jesus know it was all that was available. I don’t doubt that a few stifled a snicker. The boy’s Mom may have been touched and at the same time fearful that her son would go hungry.

Would that we all had a child’s heart, not limited by the doubt and “reality” as opposed to faith! May we understand that, no matter how small what we can give another, God can use it. He can use it to perform miracles. The thought truly does matter more than the gift. The love blesses more than the object or money.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

I learned this from a child who lived long ago, and from one in my life… just now!



Margie Hord de Mendez

Canadian-Mexican linguist and translator, Margie loves to write about cross-cultural living, faith, family, aging gracefully… and more!